6 Ways to Use CBD Salve
CBD Reviews

6 Ways To Use CBD Salve


CBD salve is a versatile and popular topical application of cannabidiol (CBD) that offers potential benefits for skin health, localized relief, and overall well-being. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore six effective ways to use CBD salve, providing you with a range of options to incorporate this soothing product into your daily routine. From relieving muscle soreness to promoting skin rejuvenation, CBD salve can be a valuable addition to your wellness toolkit.

What is CBD Salve?

CBD salve is a topical product infused with CBD extract derived from hemp plants. It typically contains a combination of CBD oil, carrier oils, beeswax, and other natural ingredients. When applied to the skin, CBD salve interacts with cannabinoid receptors in the body’s endocannabinoid system, potentially providing localized relief and promoting overall balance.

1. Muscle and Joint Relief

CBD salve can be an excellent option for soothing muscle soreness and joint discomfort. To use CBD salve for muscle and joint relief, follow these steps

  • Identify the target area: Determine the specific muscles or joints that require attention.
  • Clean the area: Ensure the skin is clean and dry before applying the salve.
  • Apply a small amount: Take a small amount of CBD salve and gently massage it into the affected area using circular motions.
  • Massage and absorb: Continue massaging the salve into the skin until it is fully absorbed. This allows the CBD and other ingredients to penetrate deeper for potential relief.

2. Skin Moisturization

CBD salve can also serve as a nourishing moisturizer for the skin, helping to combat dryness and promote hydration. Here’s how to use CBD salve for skin moisturization

  • Cleanse the skin: Start with clean and dry skin to maximize absorption.
  • Take a small amount: Scoop out a small amount of CBD salve and warm it between your hands.
  • Apply to the skin: Gently massage the salve into the desired areas, focusing on dry or rough patches.
  • Allow absorption: Let the salve absorb into the skin for a few minutes before dressing to prevent transfer.

3. Minor Wound Care

CBD salve possesses potential properties that may support the healing process of minor wounds and abrasions. When using CBD salve for minor wound care, follow these guidelines

  • Cleanse the wound: Thoroughly clean the wound with mild soap and water or an antiseptic solution.
  • Pat dry: Gently pat the wound dry using a clean towel or sterile gauze.
  • Apply the salve: Take a small amount of CBD salve and gently apply it to the wound, covering the affected area.
  • Cover if necessary: Depending on the wound’s location and size, cover it with a sterile bandage or dressing.

4. Lip Balm

Chapped and dry lips can benefit from the moisturizing and soothing properties of CBD salve. To use CBD salve as a lip balm:

  • Take a small amount: Use your fingertip to gather a small amount of CBD salve.
  • Apply to the lips: Gently massage the salve onto your lips, covering the entire surface.
  • Reapply as needed: Reapply throughout the day as necessary, especially in dry or cold conditions.

5. Relaxing Massage

CBD salve can enhance the soothing effects of a massage, helping to promote relaxation and relieve muscle tension. Here’s how to use CBD salve for a relaxing massage:

  • Warm the salve: Take a small amount of CBD salve and rub it between your palms to warm it up.
  • Massage technique: Apply the warmed salve to the target areas and use long, flowing strokes or circular motions to massage it into the skin.
  • Adjust pressure: Customize the pressure to your comfort level, focusing on areas of tension or soreness.
  • Enjoy the relaxation: Take your time during the massage and allow the CBD salve to work its potential magic.

6. Skin Rejuvenation

CBD salve may promote skin rejuvenation by potentially supporting the skin’s natural healing process and addressing specific skin concerns. To use CBD salve for skin rejuvenation

  • Cleanse the skin: Start with clean and dry skin to ensure maximum absorption.
  • Take a small amount: Scoop out a small amount of CBD salve and warm it between your hands.
  • Apply to the face or body: Gently massage the salve into the desired areas, focusing on areas of concern or dryness.
  • Allow absorption: Let the salve absorb into the skin for a few minutes before applying other skincare products or makeup.

Safety Considerations

When using CBD salve, keep the following safety considerations in mind

  • Patch Test: Before using CBD salve on a larger area, perform a patch test by applying a small amount to a small patch of skin and monitoring for any adverse reactions.
  • Quality and Source: Ensure you are using a high-quality CBD salve sourced from reputable manufacturers. Look for third-party lab testing to verify the potency and purity of the product.
  • Consult a Healthcare Professional: If you have any underlying skin conditions or concerns, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before using CBD salve.


CBD salve is a versatile topical application that offers potential benefits for various purposes, ranging from muscle relief and skin moisturization to wound care and relaxation. By incorporating CBD salve into your daily routine, you can explore its potential benefits and tailor its usage to suit your specific needs. Remember to choose a high-quality CBD salve, follow proper application techniques, and prioritize safety at all times. Enjoy the potential benefits of CBD salve and discover how it can enhance your overall well-being.

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Psychology, Philosophy and Linguistics (MSci) – University of Oxford Barbara is a freelance writer and a sex and relationships adviser at Dimepiece LA and Peaches and Screams. Barbara is involved in various educational initiatives aimed at making sex advice more accessible to everyone and breaking stigmas around sex across various cultural communities. In her spare time, Barbara enjoys trawling through vintage markets in Brick Lane, exploring new places, painting and reading. [email protected]